And now for the handle wrap. I first put down a few coats of Tru-Oil to seal the handle area under the wrap and let them dry over night. I've used these hemp cord handle wraps for a few years now. Generally it is one color but for this bow I opted to use the 2 colors, dark brown and tan. I've used this 2 color wrap only one other time on a boo backed bow I made last year and really liked the effect.
To start I lay the tag ends on the handle and begin wrapping over that making sure to pull it tight as I go as I keep the strands separated...

...once I get near the other end I lay a loop on the handle and wrap the cords over it to the end...

...then pull the loop back under the handle wrap pulling the tag ends through. Be sure you pull both tags tight...

...and trim off the tags between the wrap strands...

...finally I singe the "hairs" off of the hemp cord to help smooth out the wrap...