Bownarra, I'll have to keep that in mind. I find of the 4 edges I usually get one good one, 2 okay, and 1 that doesn't do much.

TCM, It's amazing how much these are starting to look like wings. Maybe I'll add a body/fuselage and see if it'll glide!

John, Definitely going to see how far I can push it to a degree. Always appreciate your extensive bird knowledge!
Got the heat treating done today. Heated the tips, handle, and limbs separately. This bow is relatively thin so I made some modifications to my setup. Usually I hold the heat gun 4" away from the belly and go pretty dark. For this one I'll go 3" and go for a lighter color. I couldn't use my normal jig due to the width of the limbs so I had to hold the heat gun. Helps to have some youtube videos to watch on the tablet.