I would like some advice from some of you experienced selfbowyers that have made some Osage bows and left the sapwood on them. I cut some 10” diameter Osage a week ago, and split it into quarters, and stripped the bark off. Sap was starting to run, so it stripped off cleanly leaving the sapwood unviolated. I sealed the sapwood and ends with shellac. All the staves have very thin growth rings. I count 24 to 30 per inch. Most seem to be about a 50/50 size mix between early and late wood rings. Thickness of the sapwood ranges from 1/8” to 1/4” thick depending on the stave. Most of them I can get clean staves with no pin knots showing through the sapwood. All are wide enough to give very close to flat backs.
My normal bows are around 50# @28” and 66” ntn., 4” stiff handle, 3” fades, 1-5/8 at widest part of fade straight tapering to 3/8” tips.
How much sapwood can I leave on if I don’t want to back the bow? What might I expect from a bow that is 1/2 sapwood and 1/2 heartwood?