Author Topic: Year of the Patriot: Gardens  (Read 43382 times)

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Re: Year of the Patriot: Gardens
« Reply #105 on: June 13, 2021, 06:36:12 pm »
Looks like you been busy BJ, no wonder you can never make the Classic. ;) :)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Offline HH~

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Re: Year of the Patriot: Gardens
« Reply #106 on: June 20, 2021, 12:48:33 pm »
Beets be ready for canning soon.

MAFA: Makin America Free Again

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Offline HH~

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Re: Year of the Patriot: Gardens
« Reply #107 on: June 23, 2021, 08:31:48 am »
Almost time to start plucking some beets to can. Have some that grew faster than other so looks like I will be canning Pickled beets any day now. My wife got a few steaks (beef) I eat almost no beef but she got them for fathers day. I saw the price on the plastic and nearly fell over! $31 for two scrawny rib eyes. Told Momma  "dont buy me any more beef". Im thinkin that will make Jerky worth what $100/lb maybe?

MAFA: Makin America Free Again

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Offline PaulN/KS

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Re: Year of the Patriot: Gardens
« Reply #108 on: June 23, 2021, 10:40:31 am »
We've started picking blueberries this week and have about a gallon on the counter now. The earlier row of green beans are coming on too and we had our first green bean salad for supper this week.  :)
(It has bacon in it...  ;))

And the weeds are doing well too so I'd best get to hoeing.  :(
« Last Edit: June 23, 2021, 10:44:11 am by PaulN/KS »

Offline HH~

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Re: Year of the Patriot: Gardens
« Reply #109 on: June 24, 2021, 09:39:05 am »
I heard the west been getting cooked with heat?

Been coolest spring and start of summer here in 30yrs here. Lots of wheat should have come out here but these cool temps have not got moisture low enough yet.

I be pulling beets this wkend and canning it seems.

Keep the pics of yer Patriot Gardens coming. With these krazy inflation prices on food i think more folks will be putting Patriot Gardens in.

MAFA: Makin America Free Again

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Re: Year of the Patriot: Gardens
« Reply #110 on: June 24, 2021, 06:18:07 pm »
Shawn, next time tell the wife to get you some "Poor Man's" Rib eyes, Thick cut, Chuck eye steaks at a about $10 for two and the same size. They are better testing in my book.
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Offline Eric Krewson

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Re: Year of the Patriot: Gardens
« Reply #111 on: June 26, 2021, 06:37:54 pm »
A friend knew I had a lean year last deer season because of a botched hip replacement, he probably had 200# of deer meat he wanted to give away, he kills deer all over the country. I took home about 30# of burger and some tenderloin, I didn't want to get piggish, he said come back when I run out.

I got home and flew into making a huge pot of deer spaghetti sauce to freeze in single serve packs. I start with the commercial sauce and add onion, garlic, wild mushrooms green peppers and flavor it all to my liking. I tried three kinds of sauce as a starter, Paul Newman's roasted garlic is the best.

My friends processor doesn't vacuum seal the meat so I vacuum sealed all of it so it would have a longer shelf life. I use a Cabela's vacuum sealer that they had on sale for about $75, it actually works better than a Food Saver. I hadn't started on the meat yet when I took the picture.

« Last Edit: June 26, 2021, 06:42:18 pm by Eric Krewson »

Offline HH~

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Re: Year of the Patriot: Gardens
« Reply #112 on: June 26, 2021, 06:59:07 pm »
Now that looks good Eric. Nice to get some gifted meat! You looked at meat prices in store? Prices stay like this and it will be like 1970's Carter inflation again. Rustlers will be taking cattle back to house in pickups like in Jimmy years! Gettin tough out there.

why we got to keep a garden going. Does a man good to work the earth.

MAFA: Makin America Free Again

Long is the road, Hard is the way.

Mother Gue never raised such a foolish child. . . .

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Re: Year of the Patriot: Gardens
« Reply #113 on: July 08, 2021, 12:34:17 pm »
Here's Robin s' and mine garden.A modest one [25' by 25'] but supplies us with enough vegetables to subsidize costs considerably.
Front row left to right is swiss chard,cabbage, and horse radish.Second row beets covered with chicken wire to deter the browsing deer.They love the beet greens.Third row is green beans.Fourth row is different peppers.Fifth row is tamatoes.Last but not least 2 rows of popcorn and it's beginning to tassle too.Oh yea 1 lonely volunteer sun flower.
Two row of radishes are all ate up already but we ate many a sandwich of them and lots of patatoe salad.

We're going to be lucky enough to get at least 6 dozen peaches this year from our 2 trees along with lots of apples from a tree for apple sauce.We'll can pears,peaches,and make salsa later this fall.20 pounds of wild black raspberries
[black caps] in the freezer along with the hazel nut bushes bearing nuts this year.We freeze our green beans,squash,and beets too.
My pond yields us plenty of fish and this fall I'll replenish the deer meat.
To add we are waiting patiently for our pecan trees to start bearing nuts too.Look forward to that.Our chickens give us eggs for baking,boiling and frying.We are'nt totally self sufficient yet but getting closer to that goal.
Life is good as they say.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2021, 09:56:25 am by BowEd »
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Offline HH~

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Re: Year of the Patriot: Gardens
« Reply #114 on: July 08, 2021, 12:43:07 pm »
Looks fantastic. Gardens take a lot of constant care to produce.


MAFA: Makin America Free Again

Long is the road, Hard is the way.

Mother Gue never raised such a foolish child. . . .

Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight onto the Ranger objective and complete the mission though I be the lone survivor. RLTW

Offline YosemiteBen

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Re: Year of the Patriot: Gardens
« Reply #115 on: July 08, 2021, 02:02:45 pm »
Our garden is coming along nicely. I a m a bit worried about the extreme temperatures in the forecast! We had something eating the leaves off of our melons and destroyed to beautiful tomatillo plants. I set a few rat traps and trapped a pack rat the other day! so, we shall see if that was enough to stop the plant destruction.

Offline Knoll

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Re: Year of the Patriot: Gardens
« Reply #116 on: July 09, 2021, 09:08:50 am »
As always, your garden is immacutate.

Sounds like yall have quite the homestead.
... alone in distant woods or fields, in unpretending sproutlands or pastures tracked by rabbits, even in a bleak and, to most, cheerless day .... .  I suppose that this value, in my case, is equivalent to what others get by churchgoing & prayer.  Hank Thoreau, 1857

Offline BowEd

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Re: Year of the Patriot: Gardens
« Reply #117 on: July 09, 2021, 09:12:26 am »
Robin has used seven dust before to stop bugs from eating holes in leaves.The deer are our main culprit into our garden.One of these days I'll put a high fence around the garden.The cottontail rabbits I control with the bow and arrow and the .22 and having around 15 to 20 good farm cats around constantly help a lot.
We've been lucky enough to get timely rains.Otherwise it has been on the dry side here so far.Rain is expected this weekend though.We don't water our garden.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2021, 12:51:00 am by BowEd »
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Offline Eric Krewson

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Re: Year of the Patriot: Gardens
« Reply #118 on: July 09, 2021, 09:51:56 am »
I wouldn't get a thing from my garden if I didn't have an electric fence. I only need 3 strands and have the deer trained, they walk into it at night when they can't see it and get zapped, after that they give the garden a wide berth and even teach their offspring to avoid the area.

They never jump the fence in the summer and only jump it occasionally in the winter when the whole place is covered up with greens but they don't make a habit of it.

My neighbor had a deer fence and thought it keep the deer at bay until his pea patch was about ready to pick last year, the deer turned into high jumpers and decimated his peas. He put out a 3 strand electric fence like mine but it didn't stop the deer, he added a 4th strand higher up and the deer never came into his garden again.

I used a solar charger for years but the battery would not last all that long and was expensive to replace. I use 120V now and run an extension cord from my shop to the charger, I have at least 5 times the zap from the corded charger than from my old solar charger, my wire will kill any vegetation that touches it.

My charger with a nice cantaloupe patch in the background, I put the bucket over the charger to keep it out of the weather, I run my ground through the PVC pipe to keep my weed eater off it.

Offline BowEd

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Re: Year of the Patriot: Gardens
« Reply #119 on: July 09, 2021, 09:59:07 am »
We got lucky enough or should I say Robin did through trading with her potted plant friends around the country to get a pile of canning lids.They have seemed to be on a shortage yet.
You got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.