Here's Robin s' and mine garden.A modest one [25' by 25'] but supplies us with enough vegetables to subsidize costs considerably.
Front row left to right is swiss chard,cabbage, and horse radish.Second row beets covered with chicken wire to deter the browsing deer.They love the beet greens.Third row is green beans.Fourth row is different peppers.Fifth row is tamatoes.Last but not least 2 rows of popcorn and it's beginning to tassle too.Oh yea 1 lonely volunteer sun flower.
Two row of radishes are all ate up already but we ate many a sandwich of them and lots of patatoe salad.

We're going to be lucky enough to get at least 6 dozen peaches this year from our 2 trees along with lots of apples from a tree for apple sauce.We'll can pears,peaches,and make salsa later this fall.20 pounds of wild black raspberries
[black caps] in the freezer along with the hazel nut bushes bearing nuts this year.We freeze our green beans,squash,and beets too.
My pond yields us plenty of fish and this fall I'll replenish the deer meat.
To add we are waiting patiently for our pecan trees to start bearing nuts too.Look forward to that.Our chickens give us eggs for baking,boiling and frying.We are'nt totally self sufficient yet but getting closer to that goal.
Life is good as they say.