Thanks, guys! This was a fun little project while I'm waiting for a couple of buddies on here to send me some staves (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) so I can start on the next full-sized project. It was a lot harder, and a lot more fun, than I expected.
Here's a few more pics.
The back.
100_0528 by
Whistling Badger, on Flickr
String and tip detail. I served the string with black just because it looked cool. I had to cut the nocks so shallow that the string was popping out, so I used tweezers to glue little bits of bamboo under them so it would stay in place.
100_0529 by
Whistling Badger, on Flickr
Unbraced. The top limb has taken a lot of set. The bottom limb actually started out slightly reflexed. I left it alone because I didn't want to heat treat something this thin. But it evens out at full draw, so good enough.
100_0530 by
Whistling Badger, on Flickr