ok here is the finished back, I have a design in mind for the belly,, I will try to shoot it at 24 inches,, I was gonna pull it on a tree in case it blows,, but you have to have some confidence in your work ,, so I gonna just pull it,,

this is more info than you need but if you got this far with me, I will tell you a little about the art,, I have been inspired by many cultures, this is a combo of alot of different designs some imagination and some from traditional images,, all mixed to gether,, I am not a purist about the art, so am not tied or constrained to any one set of images,,of traditional art,,
I just improvise and paint what comes to me,, I think the bow dictates what is to come,,I just follow,,on this bow I used ink, gouache,,acrylic,,,the underpainting was acrylic,,I like it and it protects the sinew,,I may but a leather handle it will cover some of the art, but I will know its there,, I have a design in mind for the belly,, but my brain hurts from the detail of this one, and will take a few more days to do that, enjoy, and pm me if I can help with any project you have with art for your bow,,,,,