Yesterday, JJ , Buffalo, and Jim H. came over and played on the rock pile a while. JJ was giving napping lessons to Buffalo while I was helping Jim tiller an osage bow. Had fun and working on some of the details for the Central Oregon Bowyers Gathering. Checked the meadow last weekend and things looked good. There was even someone there with a nice tipi set up on the edge of the meadow.
We are expecting an even better turn out this year and are planning some real fun stuff. I just made a pair of moccasins for stalking those turkeys and hope to have some more Primitive type apparel as well. No not the loin cloth

Lulyn was thinking of maybe painting our horses with some hand prints, spots and lightning bolts and bring them up there for more of the native scene and experience. If the weather looks good, we may do that for some morning rides if people want. we are working on the fliers right now so if you want a flier Pm me or Juniper Junkie with your address and we will get one out to you as soon as they are done. Keenan