never had a hickory chrysall... you got to get them below 13%.. 12 is top... no lower than 9... very important.. hickory will basically till itself when moisture is above 13... causing you to over strain the bow and not even know it.. my thoughts are your bow soaked up too much moisture during the sinew process and you didn't give it enough time to dry to the above %..your sinew may have appeared dry but the wood wasn't.. sinew and hickory are like oil and water down south.. I killed a sinew hickory bow basically the same way you have except it never made it off the tree .. lesson learned and it was basically because the wood wasn't dry enough.. I'd get that sinew back when it fails.. and it will eventually... if you try that combo again.. bring it inside to dry and give it a minimum of 3 months... sorry to hear that buddy.. I know you put the work in for how long it might last my guess would be around 200 shots .. it will start to take set and you know she is on the way out.. gut
Thanks for the input gut.... although that would kinda suprise me if it was mc.... its still in the 20% humidity here, and my MC meater was reading that it was below 7% so I was a little worried that id't be too dry! haha well I coulda been wrong then cause I didn't think I overstrained it so maybe my mc is wrong?

but yeah most of my hickory has chrysalled, although the ones that did I know it was my fault, and the ones that didn't I knew I did right and they are shooting great... the ones that chrysalled ...not so much
Yeah, bow Ed I was hoping I could get the sinew to keep this one together, apparently not though

. I did feel like I was patient as it took me more than a week to tiller cause I wanted to nail it... apparently, I went wrong somewhere though. Yes osage seems to be pretty awesome stuff, although its hard to come by here, and the last to osage bows have been sub-par pieces one even rawhide backed and it still blew, and the other I think I just made a really stupid mistake of bracing too soon

. just dug out a fairly nice piece that I have to make a bow for someone else out of... but reailized I might be able to belly split something for me

anyway thanks for all the help guys, sorry for the long ramble