so that would be 50 at 22 and 55 at 25 60 at 26,,,
what are you aiming for,,
if you pull it to 26 and even the tiller after it stablizes you will get at least 55@ 26
I think the tiller is looking good,, I forget how long the bow is,, ok went back and looked its 58,,
so I think you ok out to 28 if you want,, 26 wouldl be a good erring on the side of not pushing the limit,, and will still shoot hard,,but up to you, you the boss of your bow,,

looking goo
also the further you pull it, the more likely some of the reflex will pull out,, and that gonna mess with your tiller,, it will kind of a trade off,,in draw length, verses the bow holding the profile,, sometimes I keep drawing it out till i sense the profile is changing, and then I stop there,, but I have been more agressive and drawn it out too far,,, and lost some reflex, but the longer draw compensated a bit and still had good performance,, its a trade off,, today my opinion is to stop before you pull out the reflex,,
I think you could shoot it at 26 now,, but if it blows, I didnt say that,,