There is a huge long story behind me and this tree.
Long before bows, I was in love with yew. I spent hundreds of hours carving a branch of clear yew into a "I love yew" spoon, with a quadruple spiral handled adjoining to a heart.
I got into archery because the piece of yew I found screamed to be several bows.
but the latest blowdown is generous
Growing admist Giant firs and cedars my gift tree was generous.
With the aid of a friend we carried out four pieces, the butt end being very heavy.
In total I calculate 28 pieces of high quality wood. Fifteen in the butt piece.
The tree naturally split in an amazing way, by finding a weak year and cracking all the way around, resulting in a sapwood, heartwood piece 1.75 inches thick. and a mating clear one ringed heartwood.
as far as ican tell it's AAA primo grade wood.
Anyone had more than 28 brother and sister bows??