Worked some more on the bows today! it was in the 80s here so I set up the solar kiln and put the hickory in there. while that bow dries for the next few weeks ill work on the plan B bow..... so I may have gotten a little too excited during floor tillering as it is walnut and takes more wood to make a bow than hickory which is what I've been working lately

I got the bow to 26" today and it still holds about 1/2" of reflex... it's 6-7 pounds underweight though

It shoots pretty well and I like the tiller but it's a tad slow cause I'm shooting 650-grain arrows out of a 38# bow... so I need to raise the draw weight. so I'm going to heat treat again and put it back on the caul so that will get me a few pounds, probably not 7 though right? so to get the last few pounds should I flip the tips? Pike? add reflex in the handle?
(this is pretty much an R/D)
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Livvydog, on Flickr
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Livvydog, on Flickr
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Livvydog, on Flickr
FD (The last pic was at 20")
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Livvydog, on Flickr
Sanding handle and back...
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Livvydog, on Flickr
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Livvydog, on Flickr
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Livvydog, on Flickr
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Livvydog, on Flickr
SOO many pics... but I was having fun

This may be plan A depending on which bow comes out better

Im going to do stuff with the tips aswell and add an arrow rest of somekind probably...