Guys, I think it’s time for an update from everyone. Some of us (myself included) need to get going! As for me, once I fretted my #1 I flailed around for a bit, but I think I’m back on track. I’m not giving up on a boo ERC bow, as I have 2 so far that are great shooters and didn’t fret. So I’ve glued up and floor tillered another one. I’ve made it a little wider, more trapped back, and really going to round the belly edges better. I’ve also got a glued and low braced boo backed Osage as my number 4 or 5 (I made it a little too wide and it’s going to likely be overweight). I’ve got a roughed out narrower Osage boo that hasn’t been glued up and I believe will fall in line as number 3, and finally I’ve got a black locust bow that is 90% tillered that I intend to back with sturgeon skins. It’s turning out “ok” - got a really nice side profile but I narrowed one limb a little too much due to not paying attention to a knot on the edge so I’m less than thrilled about the width profile. Either way I’m going to be plenty proud of it, just not sure it’ll be as nice as the others. What’s everyone else up to?