I’m not sure how the vaccine works or doesn’t work. I would probably have been infected about the same time I got the vaccine. I wouldn’t have been protected by it yet.
I honestly thought it might have just been side effects. My brother who didn’t have any shots developed symptoms the same day I did so I guess it wasn’t side effects. We both had mild symptoms along with my wife, kids, and the rest of my family.
My one brother had a bad cough for about three weeks. He wasn’t hospitalized, but he was pretty wiped. Glad he got better.
My 83 year old dad has Alzheimer’s really bad. We didn’t even know he had it until they tested him. He is over the COVID, but he still has the Alzheimer’s.
I know a lot of people who have had it now. Most very mild symptoms, but some really get kicked in the butt. Kinda seems like it effects certain families differently. Like maybe something you’re exposed to in the past might have helped fight this off.
Heck I don’t know. I’m not sure anyone else does either. I’m sure hoping it goes away though.