pretty easy to make... I have heard it can be used for a finish? and for medicinal stuffs, and if cooked down more for glue (which I wont do because I think pine pitch glue is way easier to make)
1st find 2 metal tins like a paint can or cookie tin you just need something with a tight lid ( I used cookie tin) and then another smaller metal container.
2nd punch hole in bottom of larger container with nail
3d collect enough birch bark too fill the larger container
4th dig a hole and put the small container in the hole then place the larger container overtop of the small one, making sure the hole in the bottom is over the small container
5th put a little dirt around the large containers base and start a fire overtop of the containers for about 2 hours... the oil will come out of the bark and into hole you made with a nail, and drain into the smaller container underneath!
Untitled by
Livvydog, on Flickr
( the little can buried)
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Livvydog, on Flickr
Untitled by
Livvydog, on Flickr
Untitled by
Livvydog, on Flickr
The jelly like paste
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Livvydog, on Flickr
and the oil
Untitled by
Livvydog, on Flickr
I did two batches that day and got this much.
this is the first time ive done this cause I thought itd be fun and it was pretty coo!l so if y'all got any better way of doing this, or uses for the oil and tar let me know!