I am running low on staves. I tried to go cut a hackberry tree, and i did, got two logs but honestly they are not great (and i probably just cut firewood, not staves).... I went out to try to get boards for board bows but i couldnt find anything straight enough... so does anyone have anything tucked away in a corner? you guys have anything that you dont think youll ever get around to? stuff you dont want? anything you think is just way too knotty or wonky? I just need some wood to make some shavings with.

Also, Does anyone have any (thick) leather they'd be willing to trade? I dont have any leather to keep my bows safe when its in the vice.
I have turkey feathers to trade, maybe some flintknapping material (but im running low on that too), I also might have some rosewood for tip overlay materials... tbh i dont have a lot

. I can try my hardest to work something out! im sure i can find stuff to trade!