Author Topic: Cut two hickory logs today, advice?  (Read 1256 times)

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Offline Tradslinger

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Cut two hickory logs today, advice?
« on: February 08, 2021, 07:23:14 pm »
One is 62" and the other is 61". it was a whole log that was 10'4" until I cut it in half. it was about 6" in diameter at the base and about 4" at the small end. I am thinking about debarking sometime this week or maybe next week and then splitting them into staves. I may even rough some out with a hatchet before letting them dry. but I have never done this before nor used hickory. so clueless except for a video or two.

Offline TimBo

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Re: Cut two hickory logs today, advice?
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2021, 07:30:10 pm »
Well, my advice would be to glue the pieces back together so you have a longer bow, then glue it back to the stump it so you can cut it during the summer...getting the bark off in the winter is a real bugger.  Sorry neither of those are very useful bits of advice!  Otherwise, split them, seal the ends, and start working on debarking.  (I split before debarking, as bark protects the backs of the staves while you are wooling them around to split.)

Offline Jakesnyder

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Re: Cut two hickory logs today, advice?
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2021, 07:47:01 pm »
If you have a mediocre pressure washer you can get the cambium right off and have a prestine back. Just take off the bark with a draw knife and pressure wash it. I have not been able to do this method with a seasoned stave though.

Offline M2A

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Re: Cut two hickory logs today, advice?
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2021, 09:48:02 am »
I agree with Timbo as far as splinting and sealing ends now, in that order. Then, at this time of the year I would have weeks/months during the winter to remove bark before the need to be concerned about insect damage. So I'd work on 1 stave a day removing bark until complete. If nice staves you should have enough length to make some dandy bend through the handle bows for average draw lenght and poundage. Thats what I'd do. Good luck.

Offline Tradslinger

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Re: Cut two hickory logs today, advice?
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2021, 11:03:12 am »
I have quickly found out why so many wait until spring to cut hickory. tough to debark but it is what it is. I plan to make low poundage bows, 42# or so max. plus I wanted shorter bows to hunt out of my blinds. I have about 3/4 of one log debarked so far but had to stop and rest a bit. I hope to split them today or tomorrow. My grandfather used to say that the best time to do anything is when you can do it. I used to make a lot of hickory whistles when I was a kid and remembered how easy the bark slid off but that was in warmer weather and younger trees or limbs.


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Re: Cut two hickory logs today, advice?
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2021, 01:51:51 pm »
If you could of waited a couple more months the bark wouldn't be glued to the back... it would just peel right off.. haha... that stuff is sapped to the tree now..go ahead and split it... hickory is very slow to losing moisture... and quick to pick it up too.. if you are in south put it inside climate controlled or it will never get below 15%... if you plan on recurving it rough one out and recurve it now... leave it oversized in case tree was under stress and might warp or twist a little... dry heat can correct small twists but wood needs to be dried at least 15% or it will check under dry heat..... hickory is a finicky wood but makes a dang good bow when dried to 12% or under but not under 8%.. hard to kill a hickory bow.. but I did..haha...gut

Offline Morgan

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Re: Cut two hickory logs today, advice?
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2021, 03:50:28 pm »
The downside to having short staves is design and drawlength. You will not get a 28” draw with a stiff handle out of them. However, if you are happy with a D bow those will do the trick.

Offline Tradslinger

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Re: Cut two hickory logs today, advice?
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2021, 04:50:14 pm »
got the one split in two finally, it was a chore for sure. I just draw about 26" and just want about a 40# bow. but, after today, I may wait and cut another tree in the early spring after they begin to leaf out good. I think that I got too deep with the draw knife a couple of times, the bark is epoxied on right now LOL. I began sanding a peice of bamboo down to put on a narrow osage stave that may be violated too much now. it had been cut on a bandsaw previously. bamboo backing has worked very well for me in the past.


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Re: Cut two hickory logs today, advice?
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2021, 05:09:13 pm »
they are plenty long enough for 26" draw brother.. I build most my bows at 60 " got one 55" 54 lbs draw 26 with full 4 " handle 1 1/2 fades... you can go up to 70 lbs too if thats you bag even heavier.. don't let anyone tell you different... I got one recurve osage which even shortens working limb well in 60's weight 60" long full handle .. great hunting bow.. straight no string follow at all.. ..gut


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Re: Cut two hickory logs today, advice?
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2021, 05:14:52 pm »
when I split a stave I start one end where I want to split with an ax..lined ax up and hit with a sledge hammer.. I drive it in while standing on log.. when it splits enough I can get a wedge in the next section from top of log I drive in wedge and alternate using two wedges.. the drier the easier it splits for sure.. but works well on wet wood too.. I split that osage 54" 12 year dry in less than 5 minutes.. hahaha.. gut

Offline Tradslinger

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Re: Cut two hickory logs today, advice?
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2021, 08:12:58 pm »
I decided to try to split one half with the bandsaw. big mistake on my part. knocked out a wired in breaker, turned out to be a major headache to change. the wires were very short and I was having a hard time just seeing what I needed to see with a flashlight. My father had wired it years ago and all of the wires were tight. Some of this hickory may turn out to be smoker fuel, time will tell. I will try to finish splitting the stave tomorrow but with ax and wedges. I use several old ax heads that I have lying around and a small sledge. I prefer to work with osage but am limited on it around here. used to be a lot of it years ago but most of it is gone around here now. my ability to get out and walk has been reduced to about a hundred yards or so. so my prowling the woods and mountains for anything like bow wood is gone. so you guys need to appreciate your abilites while you still have them because they can be gone in a heartbeat. Jerry


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Re: Cut two hickory logs today, advice?
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2021, 10:00:53 pm »
Hickory is very strong and slight violations can be acceptable. I used a dull drawknife not sharp .. if you got some small spot you could sand down and be ok on hickory . Remember hickory is used as backing . So remember that before you discard it .. gut

Offline Tradslinger

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Re: Cut two hickory logs today, advice?
« Reply #12 on: February 10, 2021, 03:59:25 pm »
finally got one split, my garage is not heated so I do a little and then go warm up. I may end up splitting one stave again. will have a big knot in one limb, should I leave it thick around the knot on the belly? I may try to bandsaw again and the knot might be sawn in the process if I do. the knot is about an inch in diam.