I got down to a clean back, concave with a few pin knots. Most of the scraping was with a gooseneck scraper, about 6hrs totally to where the bow sits now. After cleaning up one limb I realized that the other limb was 2 layers down. I chased the other back clean but it overlaps at the center oh the handle. This will be a stiff handle bow so it shouldn't matter. Here are a few more pics of the progress...
I put a center line down the clean back again. At this point the stave is 2" wide. One side had a little tear out at the handle so I decided to make the bow 1 5/8" wide. This almost eliminates the tear out.
I use the center line to mark off the bow back profile. The lines across the limbs are spaced 6" apart from the fades to the tips. This helps me with layout. The line on the right will be the right side of the 1 5/8" limb...
After cutting the stave down to 1 5/8" I draw a line along the slide of the limb at 3/4", the initial thickness of limb starting point. I draw out the fades and the handle on the side. To reduce some of the excess wood from the belly I cut along the 3/4" line holding the limb at an angle to remove the side facet from the belly. I do the same on the other side.
after faceting both limbs I remove the peak down the center on the belly.
Besides the bandsaw these are the tools I have used so far
and these will be used from now on to shape the bow and reduce the belly and tiller the bow.
to be continued...