I sell very few now, and mostly only fairly locally.
The problem high performance is that it brings with it decreased reliability.
There a lot of people wanting heavy (100# and over) bows, but these tend to have a limited lifespan unless the user (or the person standing next to them) keeps an eye on them.
I've saved several warbows for people by noticing the tiller had gone off and it needed re-working... they were not made by me (my bows just explode

The other thing is I only make what interests me... churning out endless mid weight ELBs would be rather dull work.
Follow your own path, but beware sometimes bows fail, most people are reasonable and will allow you to make good any problems, but it only needs one mouthy idiot to potentially spoil your reputation.
Case in point:-
I had one guy who wanted me to make a bow from his, not very good Yew stave... I said all the usual about how I'd maintain it if necessary. Well he said it was great and I never hear from him again... until ... a couple of years later. He was asking about flight arrows on FB...
He didn't like my advice and proceeded to say that I knew nothing and the bow I made him was rubbish and bent like a banana!??? (Had that been true, and if he'd sent it back, I'd have fixed it)
He was shut down pretty quickly by some other bowyers and it turned out that he'd gone from bowyer to bowyer with demands for some specific bow/draw weight, then complained (loudly to all and sundry) when they made what he wanted. (I think he was expecting to shoot 1/4 mile or something

He was a thoroughly nasty man who spouted racist opinions despite being married to an African woman and having 2 mixed race kids

There are some idiots out there so beware.