I messed up on my bow guys. i might not be able to make this one. this was a tricky stave, and i cant string a bow with flipped tips. it really hurts my side when i try so i think im doing something wrong?
anyway, I scraped a little off the bow and then exercised it, got it to a low brace and it got SIGNIFICANTLY weaker just from me low bracing it. like i went from 50# at 5-10" on a long string, to 50# at 24" when braced. I have no idea what caused this. maybe i just scraped too much but the thing is, i never touched the fades when taking wood off and now there is a hinge there so i couldnt have scraped it too much. maybe the hinge is giving out? i dont know. Definitely disappointed, but it might just be time to move on.
now i know that I REALLY need to stay away from the fades and to make sure to taper the limbs when roughing it out.