Author Topic: Belly profile  (Read 2458 times)

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Offline Kidder

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Re: Belly profile
« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2021, 02:16:16 pm »
I’ve got some good hickory that would work for a backing - I’ll probably try it with both and see what I can come up with. It’ll be fun - even if it does explode...just so long as I walk away relatively unscathed!

One of the benefits of using board wood instead of bamboo is you can make the back lam as thin as you want, with no limitations imposed by the crown on the bamboo. With a good backing it shouldn't explode, that usually requires a tension failure and you are more likely to overwhelm the ERC on the belly and end up with a lot of set or a buckled limb at worst.


That's really what I was thinking - as thin of a back as I can get and a flat belly. I did see (and ogle over) Simsons "purple heart" boo backed ERC that Ryan mentioned. I noted that he mentioned that he gave it a belly ridge and heavily trapped the bamboo. Wondering how that belly profile would perform? I also saw Marc St. Louis has done at least one but I didn't see what belly profile he used.