Thought I would post my latest Kids bow saga. It has been a while. I have been tied up with other projects this winter and havnt done much bow work.
But I have finally wrapped up the other projects and have been making a few shavings.
Almost a year ago at Pat B's B-day party I got a stave from someone. Cant really remember who it was. It was destined for the fire as it had really thin rings and was a narrow split. Well my daughter kait needed a new bow to play around with so I saved her from the burn pile. rechristened her 'ember'. I chased a ring at Pat's and roughed her out. Had to chase a couple rings actually as they were so thin I kept ripping through them.
Well the bow came home and as I said she sat in the corner and for a while sat on my dash in my P-up. I finally got around to finishing her off this spring.
Man she turned out beautiful. best bow I think I have ever done as she ended up with no set and I started working on thinning down my tips. She was 48" NTN. 3/4" wide. and 25# at 18 inches. I tillered her out to 20. Man that kids bow would really fling a short Kids arrow. I finished her off with 5 coats of tong oil and bees wax. and had glued on a dogwood arrow rest. Was about to wrap her with a leather handle also but I loved her so much... I just couldnt put her down...
Let the kids of the neighborhood shoot her one night... and kait even got to shoot her a number of times... Man they were having fun. Well I built her a string of 6 strands of linen. and can you guess where this is going?

I had to fling a couple more arrows... I put one about 1/2 way through our wooded privacy fence... and of course I was wondering if one would actually penetrate the fence.... .
Oh man I should have left well enough alone and handed the bow off to kait.. but daddy had to play with the new toy...
So she blew apart at full draw. guess the design or my tiller or the rings just couldnt handle me pushing the limits of that design. I was using a kids short arrow so I thought I was safe from overdraw... but nope. at least it didnt blow up on the neighborhood kids.
So.. now I am working on another bow for kait.. and im looking for comments on the tiller but first let me post a couple of pics of the short lived 'ember' :

So after breaking kaits heart... man you should have seen the look on her face when i told her daddy broke her new bow.... I
had to promise her I wouldn't work on any other projects until I finished up a new bow for her.
This one I probably overbuilt. She has much better rings for one. plus I made her a full 1" wide out of the fades. 48 1/2" long NTN. as a stave she was pretty whipped to the right and I had to heat straighten it. while I was doing that I put just a bit of reflex into the stave.

Check out my tiller at 18" and see if you can find any areas I need to work.
Right now she is 23# at 18. which is about what kait draws right now.
I thought I would tiller the bow out to at least 21 maybe 22.
any comments or suggestions?