Here is some Modulus of elasticity numbers:
Osage flat sawn average 1.86 msi. Osage Edge Grain average is 2.18 msi. I don’t have a good explanation why the edge grain measures consistently stiffer. The flat sawn samples seem to be much more sensitive to grain runout, which makes sense. It is interesting that the stiffest edge grain sample had a small pin-knot that ran right through the middle of the piece for it’s entire width. The wood around this pin knot seems more dense, which stiffened the sample.
Note the column for the bending stress and strain. I am taking these readings at around 25% of the stress where the sample will start yielding, or taking set, so this is best case numbers for fresh wood.
I included a column that calculates the ratio of Stiffness to density. Check out how low the horn compares to the wood samples.
I am curious how the yield stress numbers will compare. First, I need to figure out the best way to measure these numbers! I will try a few ways of adding an increasing load to the point where it starts to either take some set, or the load-deflection graph becomes non-linear.