intresting... now im curious to see how much a bow compresses compared to how much it stretches... that would mean we would have to measure only one limb and only the amount that bends... i would but my bow is kinda out of commission... i gotta fix my bow now so i can test some!!

also i should point out, that this is two bending limbs plus the handle which is not bending, so the amount were seeing is twice the amount of one bending limb.
i also feel like including the handle in the measurements might change the end result... it might not but thats just my thought... another thing i wanna test...
Also, is the band as taught as when it measured the unstrung bow? i
Also, what wood is it? (it looks like osage but just making sure!) different woods differ in tension and compression strength so it would affect how much the belly compresses and the back stretches
m sorry for the questions? this is just all super interesting to me!!