Yes willie. I have glued, and unglued, and lashed ,and unlashed more than once playing around with shortening the limbs, putting sharper angles on the siyahs, belly heat treating, shorter, or longer handles etc,etc. My Bamboo slats are not thick enough to make a heavier weight bow with longer sharper siyahs to get real performance like Dave Mead does on his bows. He gets very good velocities out of his short , and simple designed bows. The handle, and tips are glued on first with hot glue, then lashed. He uses light maple for the handles,and siyahs, and his siyahs have holes drilled in them to reduce weight, and are made very thin. I think he sales them for a living. If he v spliced his tips in he could pick up more speed, but for speed of production I think he just glues ,and wraps them on. I watched him break a limb one time exercising it over his knee, and cut the string melted the glue off, and replace the limb just that fast. Not an option we have with our self bows. Check out his web sight.