Oh dear... I'm glad I've kept out of this discussion... until now

We have a classic case of someone (Tom Dulaney) criticising those with first hand experience by quoting what he's read and not realising the subtleties and linguistic problems of the subject.

It's like the old thing of "ellipitcal" where no one ever defines how eliptical, and after all a circle is just a special case of an ellipse.
What do we mean by whip ended?
If we take an arc of a circle tillered bow, cut it at the middle and insert a rigid 12" section... is it now eliptical? Is it whip tillered? Or is it just a bow whose limbs are arc of a circle tillered, but with an added riser?
The above is largely rhetorical.
Remember, for everything you read saying whip tillered is advantageous, you can find something else saying stiff levers on the end are advantageous!
(I'd kept out of it 'cos I don't profess to know the answer!)

PS, to try and bring hornbows into a discussion about whip tillered bows is simply crass