I generally finish up floor tillering with a Nicholson 49. Then begin coming down the tillering tree while using a Nicholson 50 or big double cut bastard file to rough it up, then use the Bowyer's Edge and/or cabinet scrapers to remove those rasp or file marks. As tillering progresses a little further, all file marks are gone, and I use just the Bowyer's Edge and scrapers, maybe using a small file to address any washboarding before it gains a foothold. I do all radiused bellies and establish three distinct belly facets while floor tillering and maintain them until it's largely tillered. As I bring the tiller home, just a few strokes of the scraper and sandpaper finishes it up.
I have a Shinto and tried it a couple times, but it hasn't grown on me yet. Maybe if I continue using it. For now, I like the Nicholsons better.
When actually coming down the tree tillering though, I rarely touch a rasp again. It's generally all Bowyer's Edge and scrapers, with a touch of file work here and there.
There's more than one way to skin this cat.