If you draw your side profile lines on all four sides of your limbs, pay attention and never rasp through them you will keep a very consistent limb profile and seldom have a limb dogleg to one side or the other when you string the bow.
I make slightly rounded belly bows and drop my lines 1/16" every 6" until I get to 1/4" then carry this height to the tip of the limb. My side profile line may be 1/4' but my limbs go from almost flat belly to an oval belly starting about 12" from the tip so my tip limb depth is close to 1/2" thick. I make my limb tips less than 1/2" wide with 3/8" being common.
For a flat belly bow you may want to make your first side line height at 5/8" or a little taller.
If you get your bow shaped and still have too much poundage, drop your lines another 1/16".