I ate one a year or two ago for $5

Wasn't too bad, the legs stick your tongue a little, but I've tasted worse.
I really enjoyed meeting Dana, Cowboy, Jessie, Koan, Auggie, Dirty Dan, Chuck, D. Tiller and that wild man with the dog hair hat! and several who's names have escaped me as well as seeing some old friends. My only regret is not being there a few days earlier and spending more time with them. HIGH QUALITY PEOPLE, everyone of them.
I still smell the smoke from the campfire and still have a hint of a headache from drinking that "spring water"

but it was all worth it.
Dana, Cowboy and Mullet, be very careful with that stuff. A little goes a loooong way

Ryano gave me a nice little stave he had already roughed out, I hope I can make him proud with it. Saw Filer