Took me a little while to remember to post this, I finished up this bow way back around May I think. Many thanks to High Desert, who traded this really excellent stave to me 3 or so years ago now I think. Finally decided I was ready to give it my best shot last spring. It's 64" TTT, gently flipped tips, and pulls 60# at 28" I was fooling around with handle design, and made it a little longer than I should have in hindsight. This gave me a little more set than I'd have liked and string angle around 90 degrees at F/D. It is somewhat decrowned, and backed with sturgeon, first time for me with either. Horn overlays, did a double inlay for the arrow pass made of walnut and mother of pearl. This was my second attempt with yew, the first didn't go so well with an extremely wonky (and cheap!) stave I mostly bought for practice. I probably put too much pressure on myself because it was a really generous trade from Eric. Didn't want to mess it up! I can't say I did everything perfect, but I can say that this is the best shooter I've yet made. No chrono available, but using a sound recording app on my computer I could estimate around 160 fps average speed from 20 yds. It is very accurate when I do my part (which is asking a lot these days).