Looks to me like a pretty good handle already... 
For me, I think they are graceful and sexy looking, and the smoothness of draw thru the shot aids in accuracy more than the stabilizing aspects of a long bow. (For me)
My theory is that while it’s true a well designed, near perfect tiller longbow can equal or outperform a well designed, near perfect recurve...I think that most of us (maybe not most on here, because there are some flat-out bad-azz boyers on this site) are not yet where we understand, see, and achieve the near-perfect tiller aspect of building bows yet. And that fact results in the final product not being of “great design.” And I have no science to throw behind this, but it seems like recurves can cover a multitude of sins. While it might be a pile more work, it seems like recurves can add speed back to a bow where minor or major screw ups sapped speed during the progression to completion.
Did that make ANY sense? I’m understanding it in my head much better than I’m communicating it.
Still, it’s primarily a low string angle, smooth non-stacking draw issue for me.
(Sorry...wronged person quoted)