I am a relic of the past, and no longer have that many bows out there, I did at one time. When I had to turn people down that wanted my bows they went elsewhere so my bows dropped off the radar.
People gravitate to what they see everyone else shooting, I did the same back when all the high profile folk were shooting Asbell Bighorn recurves, I had to have one.
I had to slow done on my bow making, osage dust allergies took the fun out of it, right now I can't make any, neck issues make it painful for me to shoot a bow. If you can't shoot them you can't make them.
I had a lot of my customers send me a notice about their wins but I didn't keep track of them.
Hands down Julia Norris has the most wins, that gal can shoot. She bought the first BBO I ever made and did well with it, I have given her bows ever since, she had won more often at Cloverdale than of any other people shooting my bows. Her and Danny are good friends so I have given her bows ever since the first one.
Here she is with a static I made her, she consistently wins with it.

My bows national champ wins started with a fellow named Bill Cooksey from Arkansas , that had to be close to 25 years ago, there have been over a dozen more but other than Julia's I didn't keep track of them. One year Julia shot a perfect score at Cloverdale with a bow I supplied, again it is more about the shooter than the bow.
State champs, 40 or 50, I didn't keep track of them, again Julia has been top dog, my late wife and I have a couple each.
I had my day in the sun as a bow maker but the sun has set.
Here are a couple of my guys at the first IBO, Tony and Nolan, second and third. Tony won an osage bow I donated to raise money for the Alabama Children's Hospital, he had $1 invested, he is a dedicated trad guy and shoots all the classes, my bow served him well. Nolan saw Tony's bow and had me make an exact copy for him.
I haven't sold a bow in years, I give them to special people who work their butts off to promote trad tournaments or donate them to charity auctions.