Del, I think those are drying checks.
I'm generally conservative about trying to get staves out, but I've gotten 3 out of pieces like that plenty of times. Depends more on your equipment and ability.
Here are a few potential options I see.
1. If it split nice and straight before, split it in half to get two staves.
2. If you and your saw are up to the task... measure down from the bark 2" and draw a line down both sides of the stave. Cut that piece of heartwood off to possibly make a heartwood bow. This is a tricky cut, even on a big, powerful, accurate bandsaw.
3. You could split that belly piece off instead of sawing it. That works too. If you have a good circular saw, you could draw those lines down the sides, kerf it with a circular saw down both sides, then pop it the rest of the way off there with a wedge. Then split the sapwood piece in half.