Let’s see your bows! This forum is a great place to showcase your efforts. Most should be posted here in the “Bows” section, but some are better suited for the “Horn Bows,” “War Bows,” or “Flight Bows” sections, respectively.
Beginners – show us your progress and get plenty of helpful advice on just about every aspect of building your bows.
Seasoned experts – show us your fruits of your labors to inspire and educate the rest of us.
Everybody in-between – show us your bows for all of the above reasons.
Bow of the Month contest:
BOM is a fun contest to pick out our favorite bows posted each month. Winners get a highly revered BOM hat, and get featured in a PA magazine article. Any subscriber to the PA eMag or paper magazine is eligible to participate. (After all, you’ll want to read about yourself when you win.) Rules/guidelines are here:
https://www.primitivearcher.com/smf/index.php/topic,21209.0.htmlTo post pictures, you’ll need to either reduce the size of your pictures to <250 Kb each (max 4 per post), or you can upload your hi-res pics to a photo service like imgur and copy in the BBCode links into your post.
Any questions?