O.K. this is how you make this head......
but first let me tell you how this head came about.
The first mongoose I killed was with a Judo, the head made a bloody mess of the poor critter and didn't even killed it.
than I started using all kinds of different points, the Adder behind a field point, blunt broadheads, tiger claw, and Judo again, ...now the mongoose is a tougth little bugger and they took all my arrows down the holes with them, I was hitting lots of them but never retriving one.
than I tried HTM blunts and 3/8" hex heads, and bingo, I was killing them on the spot, the only problem was that when I missed most of the time was a lost arrow.
I had this blunts at the house that had real bad flight caratteristics so i naver used them, one day i was looking at one, and I saw it, like when you look at a tree and see the bow inside.
So the TARANTULA was born, this head has all the best caratteristics for a small game stumping head in one, the desing slows it down in flight as well, almost working as a flu flu.
It's unbreackable, cheap, and very easy on wood shafting.
Now get one of this blunts from 3RIVERS
with an exacto knife cut out the pie shaped wedges
and bingo you have the TARANTULA, mach it in weight to your broadheads like a showed before (can't do that with Judo)...you can evendrive a nail thru the middle before putting the head over the blunt/ 38 casing,...now thats flexibility