Awh that's what I was fearing, guess I'll have to go get new finish then. Next to acrylic paint and polyurethane varnish, are there some more natural/Primitive- (ish) options worth considering?
I liked the Danish Oil because it's like sort of a compromise between old and new, don't stink to me and is easier to apply then just beeswax. I like to use old/Primitive stuff if i can, before I even was only using beeswax. However I don't mind terribly to 'compromise" for convience sake with modernity a bit, so this'll be good if there ain't much else in terms of other finishes which work well.
Oh and sort of related, do you have any further advice for sinew or rawhide backing in general? Things to look out for? Or some neat trick u learned which makes it easier?
Anyhow thank you for the advice, I wish u much good building and shooting (:
Kind regards