My good friend Wolf Watcher made this knife for me, as you can tell he is a master flintknapper and fine craftsmen. The blade is made of Brizillian agate, and the antler is from a blacktail deer.. While visiting recently Watcher showed me his extensive collection of pionts and knives he has made and handed me this knife.. he said this is for you, in his humble way he announced that it was not finished but i could still have it.. I did not have a penny to give him for the blade ( old tradition dictates you should give a penny to the friend who gives you a sharp weapon or it will cut the friendship) so he loaned me a penny which I gave him back to honor the old tradition... the role of a true friend is one we as human beings often fall short of, I am blessed to have found someone who shares the same values and honors the old ways as I do, Wolf Watcher is one of those rare friends who you know you can count on no matter what the predicament, more importantly he is someone I can trust... this new gift will travel with me through the wildernes and be a big part of my medicine from now on... I am sorry for rambling on but I know my brothers and sisters of the bow will understand the importance of such a wonderfull gift.. purchased with a borrowed penny, but built by a true brother of the bow... Hawk a/ho
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