So my friend and I are trying to tan a coon skin fur on.. we’ve tanned buck skin and a few chipmunks which where fur on, and we just tried to tan a squirrel fur on and all the hair slipped and we don’t know why... so we really don’t want that to happen to the coon.. how we’ve been tanning them is, flesh, membrane, then put in tannins for a while the chipmunks was like a week, squirrels maybe two weeks.. then we take them out, get them to the correct moisture content and then oil only the flesh side with emulsified oil, then stretch until dry... so the coon we just put in the tannins, the fur was real oily from the fat, which we are worried about and we’re not sure how long to have it in the tannins... anyone out there know about fur on tanning that could give us some tips ? Thanks ..
