Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows


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I made this overdraw and vellum fletched this arrow. It flies like a dart but quite a bit high and the inside fletch gets destroyed. Overdraw design problem or stiff arrow??

is an elevated feather rest legal in the class you are looking at? or a shelf radius?


--- Quote from: willie on October 17, 2020, 07:21:08 pm ---is an elevated feather rest legal in the class you are looking at? or a shelf radius?

--- End quote ---
I may try the feather rest.

Typically a device for clearance was  also used.  A toothbrush was very common back in the day.

 That's why keyhole centers  became normal.   In fact video of  Don Brown shooting his record  shows the arrow basically floating in the center of the keyhole.

It occurred to me that an overdraw shouldn't be a long arrow rest, it should be a way of moving the arrow rest back. That said I think I'll change to feather fletching until I've got the spine and string nock right and then change to vellum. A feather rest or toothbrush is in the works too
Thanks guys :D


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