Thanks for the responses!
Because I had the materials on hand, I gave brad's method a try and it worked really well. Definitely a way to try some things quickly.
I think for ease in the future, probably using the method of tuning with field points and then hafting a trade point on will work best, plus the transition is already tapered down for the trade point.
Meso, why would you skip bareshafting for the commercial shafts but bareshaft shoots? Is it because of the taper and not trusting the spine of the shoots? I'm assuming you psine test the shoot shafts here.
PatB, do you find the extra length helps with paradox recovery or is there some other method to the madness leaving them longer than needed? I'd also imagine that if you did cut them shorter than that, you'd need a different static spine shaft since the length is going to play a part in determining the dynamic spine?
One more question, when you do haft your trade points, what methods are y'all using for cutting the slot and gluing them in place?
Hopefully I don't ask too many questions.