I just aquired a nice yew stave. I was planning on backing it with rawhide and snakeskin, just for added insurance, as I plan on taking this bow on a bighorn sheep hunt this year. I was thinking I would probably shoot for more of a flatbow ALB style instead of an ELB. Searching the forums here, almost every yew bow thats posted is an ELB, or a short sinew bow.
My question is, what would you consider the best general design for yew for performance and longevity? What is the benefit of the more round cross section of an ELB? The bow I have in my mind is a 66-68" NTN bow, 1.5" wide to midlimb, tapering to 3/8' nocks. regtanglular cross section with rounded corners, and slightly reflexed tips. Would that be a good design option for yew?