Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

Virtual Mass revisited

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nice well written description of the energy losses associated with accelerating the limb at release. limb energy losses do seem like they would be predictable for a given design, and a graph might be plotted to project losses at other velocities.

This might be a way to get a handle on the separation of hysteresis losses from limb kinematic losses.

Vibration losses don't seem to change as radically as Hysteresis losses.

Digital Caveman:
You know more about this than I do, (you came up with the mass principal, right?), but handshock is also the result of the limb kinetic energy. 

By the way, how do you distinguish between losses for hysteresis and limb kinetic energy in the lab?  I'm getting the urge to start experiments myself.

  Virtual mass is based on Limb KE.

By the way guys - what exactly is it you are trying to work out?


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