So here's me, drawing my bow!

I know many of you have been waiting to see a picture of me with an actual bow, considering the months I've been lurking around these forums. Thanks to Walt (Slivershooter) and his patient guidance and expertise, I've manage to turn a chunk of osage into a plains-style bow that slings an arrow pretty durn hard. I'd take more pictures of it, but it's late and the kids in my dorm think I'm weird enough already, so they'll have to wait till daylight. It's not done yet, I still have all those lovely finishing touches to do, but it's tillered and it shoots! A-flippin-mazing. 45" long, 30# @ 24" (approximately). Light poundage 'cause I'm skinny and weak, short draw because that's what the Plains Indians did. Now for the handle wrapping and quill decoration! More to come in the summer months!
Now, time to study for finals!