My Crazy Neighbor died about 6 months ago...and the City assumed the Property....they Bulldozed the House and Garages.....and left all of the Trees....well last week on Wife and I were going to Amarillo to shop....and I heard a Chainsaw going...but I didn't think anything of it....well the Next Day I went to Town....and I drove by where I heard the Saw going....Well these Arse-Wipes for the City....took and cut down every beautiful Tree on the Place and had bucked most of it up into Firewood already...there were still a few Trunks on the Ground I went on the Prowl for a Chainsaw....and went back and salvaged all that I could....which wasn't enough for me!!! This Ticked me off.....I am talking about a Dozen 8-14 inch diameter mature Black...and Honey Locust....and Green and White Ash.....Apple and Aprict Trees too.....and this is all I could save from the Firewood Box....I got two 68-70 inch logs....I have not split these two 60 inch Log....and two 40 inch Logs for isn't the Best ...some have knots and some Twist.....but it is Bug Free and the Cost was Free too!!!
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