DC, if the crummy bow is like my 43 # bow I built 8 yrs ago getting into this, I agree w Brad, in that on unsuspecting deer, it'll work.
Shot a small coues deer after waiting the two deer out for 30, 45 minutes. At 12 yards, that 550 grain arrow took enough time to allow the deer to go from broadside to taking the arrow in guts, through liver, a lung and stopping above heart. Great penetration, slow arrow.
This year, shot. Mule deer. Thought I missed. But, sitting in blind days later, and doing some later CSI, surmised that buck dodged. 20 yards. I should have waited, dumb Stickmark

. (That was a great flat Sawn red oak bow but not trapped, so it failed cause of knot I sinewed caused chrysal down lower limb. Another "dead bow", and another "I am an idiot" t- shirt).
I admire your work. You actually build 40#ers I would hunt with.