I'm currently in the middle of my archery bear season. I and my partner sre not experienced bear hunters. Neithet of us drew any tags this year so we figured we'd give bear a try.
The last few days we've been closing in on a medium size black bear.
This evening we come around a bend in an old logging road at the same time she's crossing the road. She steps, we stop. We stare at each other. We're camo'd up and she's trying to figure what the heck we are while we're frozen out of bow range (Grozer biocomposite Scythian in case you wanted to know), no scrub to hide behind, or cover...we're in the middle of the road.
She eventually gives a short huff and trots away in to the forrest. We gave her about 5 mins then proceeded in a direction we thought we might cut her off but didn't see her again. Went back to the spot and laser'd it at 44 yards, definitely out of my range.
Two questions:
1) what would you experienced bear hunters have done during the encounter in the road? (remember, no cover)
2) what would you have done after she trotted off in the woods? Persue immediately? Wait and then peruse? Back off the pressure and come back tomorrow? Start predator calling? Pee on all the trees to show dominance?
Thanks guys, I'm learning and not too pround to ask for advice or criticism.