We finally got all our stuff moved from Colorado to Western Nebraska! The house is just about the way Jacie wants it, and the shop is just short of total chaos! Got the new band saw and table saw mounted, and ready to figure out how to hook up dust collection(shop vac) and where to put them! Had to call in reenforcements to get the band saw mounted! Got important things set up, like an indoor target, will eventually have about 15 yards, hope to set up outdoor range as well later on! Also, got our doe tags, season choice, so we can hunt into January, with whatever weapon is in season! Still adjusting to life in a very small town, some things are only available in the distant cities.
On the other hand, we have 3 gigs lined up, and Jacie has several clients providing work at least until the end of hunting season. Still got to get the yard fenced and the dog door installed, minor job!