not too familiar with releases and compounds, but if you anchor at the corner of your mouth and are a normal sized guy, I would take the time to see what your draw length would be with a bow like you want to build and a finger hold on the string at your release point.
The compound guys normally anchor well behind the corner of their mouth with the mechanical release. If OP has his release set slack, is using a long D loop and has to anchor on the corner of his mouth with a 32" draw compound then he will probably be close to 33" with a stick bow. At minimum he will be 32" for sure.
OP, I will add my voice to the crowd suggesting you start with a basic flat bow first before trying to add reflex, recurves or any other extra feature. I will also agree that you should be making a 72" bow with that draw length. The rule of thumb for bow length is 2x your draw + 10" (= 76" in your case). That is a very long bow, but 72" should be safe for you.
Considering how far you are drawing, start with a wide piece of wood to let you have thin limbs that can take that much bend.