Thank you very much for the comments, I really appreciate it.
Tuomo- I'll work on that today. You can't get the FD measurements from the graph?
Lonbow-I heat treated both sides of the belly thoroughly
Hilongbow- Thanks
Tommy- I don't hunt and I don't target shoot too much any more. My bows don't get a lot of use. Maybe I'll send it to Badger
Sleek- Thanks. I tried to do that with the one I'm working on now. I'm having difficulty getting equal and repeatable reflex in the bows. The reflex is kind of a crap shoot at the moment. I glue up one limb at a time because I use two piece backing and that doesn't give me the chance to compare the limbs. A better caul will sort that I think. That and better wood. I'm scrounging up scrap strips from all over the shop. I think this bow was the last set of decent wood I had. I've got enough Yew and Boo for 4 more I think.
Badger- I'm seriously considering that, thank you. I noticed a little change in the tiller after I did the FDC last night so I'll keep my eye on that for a bit. I only draw about 26" so I don't think I'm straining it that much shooting it. It was very muggy yesterday so maybe that affected it. I think it would like the Flats.

Markus- I do all my testing with the machine. I can't reliably draw 28". I do have two chronos. I bought the second one because I was doubting my results with earlier bows. I'm not sure if I have room to put them in tandem but I do like the idea. Remember that the 210 was a one off. It was backed up by a few 208's but it hasn't reached those speeds since. I think it was because the bow had been out in the sun for two days drying the tung oil. At least I hope it was. There is a very high chance the bow could start to go downhill. It's pretty stressed.