If anybody mentions wood only being able to handle a low weight....I know that person doesn't understand bows....

Either it works at a certain scale or it doesn't, if it does it can be scaled up or down. Honestly some people seem to think wood knows what type of bow it is in! Nope it simply feels the strain and responds accordingly.
When I was relatively new to bow making I met Pip. I was prompted by some other people there to show Pip my latest sinew backed osage recurve. His comments and attitude were a joke. He basially told me the bow was rubbish and would fail in time....
Well that bow is now about 14 years old and has shot many, many thousands of arrows at about 185 fps.....funnily enough it has never lost any performance.
Pip is trying to run a business but I certainly don't agree with how he goes about it.
Pat is correct with the adze versus elbow comment

Tommy - If you want any advise on UK woods please just ask. I have a wee bit of expeience with them and only the truth will pass my lips!