great work again DC - i once had some glueing problems when did a "belly lam over the handle"...glueing onto the "front side" of wood makes weaker glue joint imho. watch out, my last r/d also was 191fps 
No not at all.
If you prep everything right and execute it all correctly gluing the belly lam up the riser ramp is by far the best way to go. It is a much more complicated procedure than just gluing a chunk onto the belly of the handle area...but it is bombproof.
There is a reason virtually every glass bow is made this way

and it isn't because it is weaker!
DC to get yourself closer, here are a few things to try.
More deflex built into the riser. (reference Adam Karpowzi's d/r bows) Reflex the whole limb, tiny bit inner limb, increasing as you progress along the limb towards the recurve. Make your bows tri-lams (walnut or similar core) and use a two step glue0up with as much perry as you dare. Also trap your bow so it is about 3/4 the width of the limb,e especially inner/mid limb, fade out the trapping a little towards the tips. Use as thick but narrow a recurve as you dare, I've gone narrower than I though possible before....doesn't make for the sturdiest bow out there but good enough. You can also splice in stiff wood recurves. Or go the laminated route, these are super strong and can be reduced further than a regular tip, the gluelines add virtually no weight. No heat used either so the wood is still at full strength.....
Good luck.